Κεντρικά Γραφεία – Έκθεση
19o Xιλ Λ. Μαραθώνος, Πικέρμι
ANDROULAKIS company presents to you the best solutions and the most modern proposals for every need and requirement for you and your home.
Heat pumps can be used to cover heating, cooling, and hot water production needs, both in small apartments and in installations with enormous energy requirements. Their operation is based on the continuous compression and expansion cycle of a fluid, similar to that of refrigeration machines.
The heat pump is a complete heating, cooling, and hot water system based on air source heat pump technology. Its operating principle is as follows: instead of producing heat by consuming energy, it extracts (hence the name “pump”) heat that already exists in the environment and transfers it to our space (Heating) and vice versa (Cooling).
Air-to-water heat pumps are currently the most widespread heating and cooling method worldwide, with applications covering all sizes and types of buildings, whether residential or large commercial spaces.
The operating principle of the heat pump is to absorb heat from the external environment. It absorbs heat from the outside air. The system consists of a closed circuit containing a refrigerant. In this circuit, a thermodynamic cycle is created, including evaporation, condensation, compression, and expansion.
During this cycle, a heat pump “pumps” heat from a source at low temperature to a sink at a higher temperature. Through a heat exchanger, the generated heat is transferred to your domestic hot water distribution system (underfloor heating, low-temperature radiators, heat pump radiators, and/or fan coil units for low-temperature heating systems and high-temperature radiators for high-temperature heating systems).
The heat pump is the maximum economy it offers in energy consumption! It extracts up to 75% of the energy it yields from the atmosphere, consuming only 25% in electrical energy, thus providing 100% space heating or cooling.
The savings in this process lie in the fact that with 1 kW of electrical energy, the system can yield up to 5 kW of thermal energy in our home. The absorption of heat from the environment is possible even in external temperatures well below zero, making them the ideal solution for any application.
Fan Coil units, also known as forced air circulation units, are internal heating and cooling air conditioning units designed to maintain optimal temperature in a space. They are connected to a water circuit and serve as the system for transmitting thermal energy within the building.
A fan coil unit is an arrangement of a fan and a coil element supplied with water at an appropriate temperature.
Their operation is based on the forced circulation of air created by the fan they contain. Essentially, the fan coil uses its fan to distribute the heat of the circulating water in its element throughout the space.
Most Fan Coil units provide easy installation, easy access, and cost-effective, efficient operation.
It offers significant energy savings and economy due to the low operating temperature of the system and the rapid air flow. By using modern, automatic control, the right control system can prevent overheating and overcooling of the interior.
The fan coil system can be connected to a heat pump to ensure both space heating and cooling. Through the pump, we can not only heat but also cool the water circulating in the fan coil. This way, we can have heating and cooling throughout the year.
Placement: Wall-mounted
Cooling Power: 2.34 kW
Heating Power: 3.95 kW
Full customization fan control
Optimized for combination with heat pumps, T (°C) flow up to 35 °C in heating mode
Size: Slim
Underfloor heating is a heating system installed within the floor that emits warmth. It is the most efficient and modern practice in the field of heating, offering numerous benefits.
Underfloor heating is a system of pipes installed beneath the floor, through which warm water circulates. This system functions similarly to conventional heating methods, requiring a heat source. Underfloor heating essentially transforms the floor surface into a large, efficient, and invisible heat emitter.
Beneath the floor, pipes or heating cables are installed, which heat up to warm the room from the base. Robust, flexible pipes are used for warm water underfloor heating systems, while cables are used in electric underfloor heating systems. Since underfloor heating covers a large surface area, it can operate at much lower water temperatures than traditional radiators, improving efficiency and ensuring even heating throughout the room.
There are two types of underfloor heating: dry or electric systems and traditional hydronic underfloor heating.
The entire floor is covered with electric resistors powered by electricity. This system does not have cooling capabilities. While installation costs are lower, long-term utility costs are significantly higher.
Hydronic underfloor heating uses an underfloor pipe arrangement through which water heated by the existing central heating infrastructure circulates. This system has cooling capabilities, can connect to a heat pump, and offers significant energy savings.
• Ideal and uniform distribution of temperature in the space, as the pipes cover the entire floor, resulting in no cold spots or high air speeds in the area.
• Low operational cost, as the supply water temperature ranges between 35-40°C, requiring less fuel consumption. The thermal insulation properties of the floor panel ensure heat diffusion without leaks and temperature scaling vertically.
• Low maintenance cost, as the absence of air currents prevents blackening on walls or curtains, reducing building maintenance costs. The maintenance cost of the system is limited to the boiler, heater, and pipe cleaning.
• Space saving, sound insulation, and aesthetics, as there is no need for heating elements or visible pipes in the space, allowing for free room configuration. The insulating properties of the floor panel limit the transmission of sound pollution in multi-story buildings.
• Healthy living environment, as there are no air currents created, preventing the atmosphere from drying out, and minimizing the movement of dust particles. The humidity level depends on the external environment and the natural emission of the human body. Additionally, the temperature zones follow the physiology of the human body.
• Adjustable temperature, depending on the requirements of central heating compensation. Therefore, underfloor heating can be used for cooling during the warm months of the year, replacing the use of air conditioning, as the space can maintain a stable temperature of around 45°C.
• Combined operation and compatibility with renewable energy sources, as underfloor heating can be used simultaneously with conventional central heating systems and with the assistance of solar, electric, or geothermal energy. Due to the multiple options available, hydraulic underfloor heating is the optimal choice for homes requiring heating for many hours daily.
• Ease of repairs in case of damage. The materials used in the installation of hydraulic underfloor heating usually come with a ten-year warranty, and in case of damage or leaks due to pipe breakage, installation companies have special equipment to locate the point of damage, making it easier to remove the finish and repair the damages.
Air conditioning units have become the most widespread solution for cooling and, in recent years, heating in homes, vacation homes, or workspaces. They offer a direct solution that can be useful throughout the year.
Air conditioners are systems with a “cooling mechanism” installed on the wall or ceiling. It is a device that releases hot or cold air to maintain the temperature in the space at normal levels.
Air conditioners are air-to-air heat pumps and operate based on the refrigeration cycle, a continuous cycle in which the refrigerant (commonly known as freon) is compressed in the compressor (external unit), condensed, and liquefied. Then, it expands in the expansion valve, vaporizes, and repeats the cycle in the evaporator (internal unit).
The basic operating principle is straightforward:
– (Cooling) sucks in warm air from the space and releases cold air.
– (Heating) sucks in cold air from the space, heats it, and releases warm air. To achieve this, it uses the refrigerant. It consists of an indoor and an outdoor unit, and one cannot operate without the other.
– Wall-mounted units
– Cassette units
– Ceiling suspended units
– Ceiling concealed units
– Floor-standing units
– Flexi-type units (multiple installations)
– On/Off:
An On/Off air conditioner operates in two states: on (providing its nominal power, e.g., 12,000 BTU/h) and off (when it stops operating). When you set a temperature on the remote control, the On/Off air conditioner will start (on = 12,000 BTU/h) until the room temperature decreases, then it will stop (off) until the temperature rises again by 1-2°C, after which it will start again (on).
– Inverter:
The operation of an inverter air conditioner is entirely different, as it has a somehow “gas” that it can adjust and modulate its power. An inverter air conditioner does not operate in the on/off states but continuously adjusts its power according to the room conditions. When you select a temperature on the remote control of an inverter air conditioner, it will initially operate at full power (e.g., 12,000 BTU/h for the previous example). Later, when the room temperature approaches the desired one, it will operate at lower power (e.g., 8,000 or 3,000 BTU/h, depending on the needs) to maintain a stable room temperature without constantly starting and stopping.
1. Affordable purchase cost: Air conditioners are more economical compared to other electrical appliances, especially when compared to gas, oil, or firewood.
2. Quick performance: The space is heated immediately after turning on the device, easily and quickly.
3. No losses: You can have peace of mind as there are no worries about losses that may occur, such as in the efficiency of the burner or pipes due to poor maintenance.
4. Independent use: With an air conditioner, you have the independence to program when to activate or deactivate the device.
5. Dual function: Air conditioners are one of the best investments for your home, helping you endure both the unbearable cold during winter months and the unbearable heat during summer. They are the only devices you will find useful throughout the year.
6. No need for an extra device: By choosing an air conditioner, you’ve covered it all. Using it for heating needs makes sense since there is no need to purchase any additional equipment.
Κεντρικά Γραφεία – Έκθεση
19o Xιλ Λ. Μαραθώνος, Πικέρμι