Earthworks of All Types

  1. The crew, along with a surveyor, marks the excavation boundaries based on the Excavation Plan.
  2. If there is a previous structure, we also undertake the demolition and cleanup of the area using our own earthmoving vehicles and tools.
  3. The excavation boundaries are marked, and the building is positioned on the plot.
  4. The excavation of the foundations begins. Our architectural study has previously indicated the extent and depth of this process.
  5. Cleanup of the Foundation Level and landscaping of the surrounding area. The quality of the soil cannot be known before excavation. Only empirically, assuming that nearby excavations have taken place in the surrounding area.
  6. The soil can be:

   – Earthy

   – Semi-rocky

   – Rocky

  1. The quality of the soil and the size of the construction project are two key factors that affect the cost of foundation construction.