Κεντρικά Γραφεία – Έκθεση
19o Xιλ Λ. Μαραθώνος, Πικέρμι
Place the mouse over each material to see a detailed description.
Place the mouse over each material to see a detailed description.
The most modern energy system accompanying the Eco Passive System technology by Androulakis incorporates the best global construction materials:
– Use of ecological Swedish and Scandinavian wood, class C24, kiln-dried, with natural insect protection without chemical impregnation.
– Moisture-resistant OSB (class 3), fully waterproofed, with excellent soundproofing and thermal insulation properties, contributing to better building stability.
– Fully screw construction with TORX screws, providing exceptional stability to the frame with zero loosening over time.
– Use of ecological natural mineral wool Ecose Ultraccoustic Technology by Knauf.
– Graphite-Expanded Polystyrene EPS 150 without chemical additives, self-extinguishing, non-toxic, with a long lifespan.
– Use of natural gypsum boards by Knauf after biological control.
– Use of thermosetting acrylic, fiber-reinforced, elastomeric mortar with color throughout.
Thermal insulation, sound insulation and waterproofing wall of Eco Energy technology ANDROULAKIS
Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity: U = 0.11 W/m2K.
See here in detail the construction materials and their certifications.
The Androulakis roof and masonry complement each other and create as a whole, the bioclimatic, passive Eco Energy Androulakis residence.
* With the ventilated eaves, we achieve ventilation of the roof, release of diffused water vapors and avoid the creation of pockets of stagnant air.
*The air passes through the roof is not trapped and thus we do not have the risk of moisture inside the roof.
* The use of a reflective membrane reflects 98% of the sun’s radiation but also insulates the roof during the winter months resulting in a much cooler roof in the summer and a much warmer roof in the winter.
* We prevent the creation of thermal bridges with the single placement of the layer of expanded polystyrene Eps200.
*The use of expanded polystyrene and a membrane with controlled breathability come to complete the thermal and moisture protection function, creating a roof with excellent energy efficiency and an optimal thermal permeability coefficient U:0.09 w/m2K.
Κεντρικά Γραφεία – Έκθεση
19o Xιλ Λ. Μαραθώνος, Πικέρμι