Κεντρικά Γραφεία – Έκθεση
19o Xιλ Λ. Μαραθώνος, Πικέρμι
Wall cladding for thermal insulation, soundproofing, and moisture insulation using ECO ENERGY technology by Androulakis with a thermal transmittance coefficient of U = 0.11 W/m2K. The Eco Energy wall system is composed of top-quality construction materials and follows the most suitable construction specifications. With cost and energy independence as primary criteria, you enjoy a modern, green construction home with minimal maintenance and usage costs. Achieve up to an 80% reduction in energy consumption compared to conventional wall systems. The ECO ENERGY WALL SYSTEM MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF KENAK, IS GREEN BUILDING TECHNOLOGY, PREFABRICATION OF HEAVY TYPE, AND HAS SPECIFICATIONS FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE.
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The most modern energy system accompanying the Eco Passive System technology by Androulakis incorporates the best global construction materials:
– Use of ecological Swedish and Scandinavian wood, class C24, kiln-dried, with natural insect protection without chemical impregnation.
– Moisture-resistant OSB (class 3), fully waterproofed, with excellent soundproofing and thermal insulation properties, contributing to better building stability.
– Fully screw construction with TORX screws, providing exceptional stability to the frame with zero loosening over time.
– Use of ecological natural mineral wool Ecose Ultraccoustic Technology by Knauf.
– Graphite-Expanded Polystyrene EPS 150 without chemical additives, self-extinguishing, non-toxic, with a long lifespan.
– Use of natural gypsum boards by Knauf after biological control.
– Use of thermosetting acrylic, fiber-reinforced, elastomeric mortar with color throughout.
Wall cladding for thermal insulation, soundproofing, and moisture insulation using Eco Passive System technology by Androulakis. Our Passive System homes are classified as energy class A+ and meet the requirements set by the Passive House Institute. Thermal transmittance coefficient U: 0.09 W/m2K.
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Κεντρικά Γραφεία – Έκθεση
19o Xιλ Λ. Μαραθώνος, Πικέρμι