Κεντρικά Γραφεία – Έκθεση
19o Xιλ Λ. Μαραθώνος, Πικέρμι
ICF is a robust thermal insulation mold that replaces the traditional formwork and consists of two sheets of expanded polystyrene EPS 250 with a thickness of 8.20 cm.
The thermal insulation molds are assembled on the construction site, their placement is done in a staggered arrangement, and they are connected with PVC spacers placed on top of the sheets, forming a rectangular spacing of 25 cm.
Subsequently, this spacing is reinforced with B500C steel according to static requirements and finally cast with C25/30 concrete.
We reduce construction time.
The mold itself serves as excellent thermal insulation.
Concrete is not left exposed.
It replaces brick buildings.
Infinite design and floor construction possibilities.
We use expanded polystyrene EPS 250.
We have greater thickness (8.20 cm), thus providing the best thermal insulation coefficient of its kind.
We have greater length (1.20 m).
The ICF technology by Androulakis refers us to Class A energy homes.
The company has incorporated control stages (Structural Study, Simulator, Air Permeability Check) in the construction and completion of the project, which confirm the A+ categorization and ensure the high energy independence of the residence.
The energy classification A has gradations.
A green building with the same energy class (class A+) as another can have significant differences in the level of required energy requirements.
The classification of ICF homes is defined by the regulatory software (KΕΝΑΚ).
As a reference and comparison point, we take an ideal building of class B energy with specific insulating and technical characteristics.
We, therefore, compare the examined residence with this ideal building, and depending on the comparisons, the energy class and its percentage grading emerge:
Class A+: 67% less consumption than B
Class A: 50% – 67% less consumption than B
Class B+: 25% – 50% less consumption than B
Class B: 0% – 25% less consumption than B
Our company’s ICF residences, taking into account individual factors such as design, location, and microclimate of the area, are classified in energy class A and meet the requirements set by the Passive House Institute.
* The energy requirements of homes are calculated based on the total primary consumption for heating, cooling, and hot water use.
* The precise grading and classification of the residence are determined after control stages.
S500 steel of Greek origin.
B500C Reinforcement Steel is the iron used in reinforced concrete construction. It is the primary material for the safety and strength of a structure.
The main purpose of reinforcement steel is the strength and stability of the construction, especially in cases of intense seismic vibrations.
Reinforcement steel (bars, meshes) reinforces the load-bearing structure (frame) of the building and prevents concrete from breaking or cracking at critical points such as columns, beams, slabs, etc.
During seismic activity, steel absorbs seismic energy and prevents damage to the building.
Due to the high seismicity of our country, strict compliance with the engineer’s study and the use of high-strength and ductility steel according to the specifications of ELOT 1421 are required.
The B500C reinforcement steels used by our company are of Greek origin from SIDENOR company, of exceptional quality, with modern specifications, distinguished for their excellent strength, ductility, flexibility, and weldability, according to rigorous seismic regulations and the new Standard ELOT 1421.
The Betoboard permanent formwork system is the new structural solution for building floors that contributes to improving work efficiency and the quality of construction projects.
The panel has excellent adhesive properties and adhesion to concrete. After completion of leveling and reinforcement works, all concreting and vibration works are performed directly on the Betoboard surface.
After demolding within standard times, the surface of the ceiling is smooth. The only requirement before painting is joint treatment. Betoboard also allows for the integration of ceiling electrical installations.
Κεντρικά Γραφεία – Έκθεση
19o Xιλ Λ. Μαραθώνος, Πικέρμι