Κεντρικά Γραφεία – Έκθεση
19o Xιλ Λ. Μαραθώνος, Πικέρμι
No other raw material offers such potential for development and shaping as wood. Beyond its timeless aesthetic, it combines high strength with light weight and elasticity. Swedish timber, in particular, sets the standard for the global market, rightfully so after years of research and development in the chemistry and mechanics of this natural resource.
An indicative measure of its quality is the fact that the wood undergoes an entire drying process in specialized dryers, rendering it unaffected. Upon completing the kiln-drying process, the remaining moisture content in the wood is an ideal 12 to 15%, especially for structural timber.
The Swedish wood we source exhibits up to 80% greater mechanical strength than conventional wood and requires up to 50% less maintenance. The process that makes the wood immune is called vacuum impregnation.
Vacuum Method.*
Stage 1 – Initial Vacuum Stage
Initially, the timber is introduced into a processing cylinder and subjected to a vacuum (-0.85 bar). Depending on its structure and cross-section, the wood remains in the chamber for 15 minutes to 1 hour. During this stage, atmospheric air is removed from the wood cells.
Stage 2 – Cylinder Filling Stage
The initial vacuum created in the first stage is maintained, and simultaneously, the impregnation cylinder is filled with the wood preservative solution.
Stage 3 – Pressurization Stage
Initially, the wood and the preservative undergo pressure of 12 bars. The pressure stage begins when the pressure reaches the minimum allowable limit and remains so until complete absorption of the preservative by the wood is achieved. Only through this process can we achieve the full formation and penetration of the preservative into the wood.
Stage 4 – Cylinder Emptying Stage
The cylinder is emptied of the remaining solution not absorbed by the wood.
Stage 5 – Final Vacuum Stage
After removing the remaining preservative, we apply a vacuum equal to -0.85 bar. This stage lasts from 10 to 30 minutes to ensure full absorption of the preservative into the wood.
Next-generation preservatives are ecologically sound, free of harmful chemicals. Old-type preservatives (CCA) contain chromium and arsenic substances that have been accused of causing allergies and mutations. For this reason, new-generation preservatives have undergone extensive toxicological testing and continuous laboratory monitoring. Wood preservation is now based on a copper complex (CuHDO), which is environmentally friendly.
All preservatives contained in Androulakis wood are free from chromium and arsenic and certified by the English Wood Protection Service, as well as equivalent authorities in Germany and Australia.
*In any case, wood impregnation using the vacuum-pressure-vacuum method should not be confused with other ineffective methods, such as immersion in open tanks.
But what advantages does Swedish innovation give us, essentially?
Before even thinking about decorating your bathroom and living room, choose your “foundations.” Choose one of the most suitable building materials for prefab construction: Swedish wood. It is our choice as well.
Κεντρικά Γραφεία – Έκθεση
19o Xιλ Λ. Μαραθώνος, Πικέρμι